How To Keep Mice Out Of Garage – Storage Tips


Mice are common pests that are associated with a high nuisance value because of the wreckage and unsanitary conditions they create. 

These sneaky rodents love dark and unused places such as garages and storage cabins. This is why homeowners often find themselves asking the same question “How do I keep mice out of the garage?” 

In this guide, we will show you the steps you can take to keep mice out of your garage for good!

Keep Your Garage Or Storage Unit Free Of Clutter & Dirt

It is mouse nature to hide in the dark, cluttered areas because they can easily find both food and shelter. Dark areas in your garage are some of the most attractive locations for mice because they can easily find hiding spots. 

Mice can easily feed off of crumbs to stay alive so you should avoid eating or bringing food in the garage.

You can prevent your garage from becoming a hospitable environment for mice by keeping it organized, neat, clean and tidy. Regularly sweeps, vacuuming, and washing the floor will help maintain clean surroundings. 

Are you afraid of going to the garage at night because it’s dark? Install ample lights in the garage because mice love to scurry in the darkness.

Don’t Let Pets Into Your Garage

Keep your pet outside of your garage because, contrary to popular belief, a pet can help bring mice into the garage. When you are not at home, keep your pet outdoors or in a separate room outside the garage. No matter how careful you are, a pet is not as clean as you might think.

Letting a pet into the garage means that there can be food crumbs and other scraps in the garage. Mice love to feed on crumbs. Mice also multiply quickly. a single family of mice can have more than 60 pups in a year. You will have to frequently clean your garage if your pet goes in there often so be prepared.

Make Sure The Garage Walls, Floor, & Roof Have No Holes

Mice are naturally curious creatures and they like to explore any new path or hole in the wall, floor, or roof. Combine this inquisitive nature of mice with teeth that never stop growing and you have the potential for colossal damage. A tiny hole you consider inconsequential is a challenge for a mouse to get inside.

Once inside, mice can chew and gnaw on cardboard, clothes, wires, wood, and other materials. The best way to prevent this from happening is to seal up any holes you see in the walls, floor, or roof. Some materials you can use to seal holes are caulk, metal grating, metal plates, or wire mesh.

Install Weatherstrips & Door Sweeps

Most garages incorporate an entrance from the outdoors. Mice are constantly looking for shelter from the weather conditions, especially if it’s cold outside. 

Installing weatherstripping and a door sweep is an affordable and easy way to keep mice out of your garage or any storage unit. Weatherstrips attach to the sides of your garage door to ensure that the door remains tightly shut and has no gaps. 

You can also install a door sweep to the bottom of your storage door. The door sweep contains a strip with a brush that prevents mice from entering.

Use A Metal Trash Can With A Tight Seal

Garage owners need to find a way to make their garage less attractive to a mouse. A soft plastic trash can is an easy target for a mouse because they can easily chew through it to get inside.

Get a metal trash can with a tight-fitting lid that mice cannot chew through. The only problem with this solution is that you must regularly empty the metal trash can to maintain hygiene. However, it will help keep those pesky mice away.

Use Mouse Poison Pills Or Mothballs Outside Your Garage

You can keep mice out of your garage by strategically placing mouse poison pellets or mothballs outside your garage. Mothballs have a smell that is not very attractive to mice, so they do not go near them. You can get mothballs from any department store.

The problem is that they look very similar to candy, and the smell of mothballs can also be injurious to humans, children and adults alike. Leave the house for a few hours after placing the mothballs.

Mouse poison pills kill mice if they eat them and this is not true for the mothballs. The advantage of mouse poison pills is that they do not have a pungent aroma which is injurious to humans. Always keep children and pets away from any place that has mothballs or mouse poison pills.

Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth Outside Your Garage

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a non-chemical substance made up of diatoms. Diatoms are tiny fossilized remains of aquatic plants. DE is a powdery substance that kills many insects and repels mice. All you need to do is sprinkle DE on the outside of your garage so that mice can’t come inside.

One advantage of using DE is that it is non-toxic, making it safe for humans and animals. DE is potent against mice and many other insects, so use with caution if you have plants in the vicinity that need the insects for pollination.

Use Plastic Boxes Instead Of Cardboard Ones

Storing items in cardboard boxes is not a good idea, especially, if it’s for the long term. Rodents can easily rip through the cardboard and get into whatever is inside those boxes. And that’s a place you don’t want them to be in.

Hence, it is always best to buy or rent plastic boxes for short-term or long-term storage. They offer protection from rodents, insects, and even theft. Plastic boxes are also easier to carry and are actually much lighter than they look. You can buy or rent plastic boxes for storage from Bin-It, New York’s #1 Moving Company. 

Is Finding One Mouse The Sign Of An Infestation?

The question has an irresistible curiosity for homeowners all across the nation! Sighting a single mouse is not a sign of a mouse infestation. But it very well could be. 

If you spot signs of mice in your storage take action right away. If you wait too long, you might have to call an exterminator to get rid of a mice infestation!

Hopefully, with our expert storage tips, you can avoid something like that from ever happening.